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Inspiring visit

Objective: to observe the effects of the prospective strategy by visiting 2 territories which are in the implementation of their actions. But also to zoom in on initiatives undertaken around transition, local resources and living well.

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"Mirror" visit

Objective: each territory welcomes the other 3 thus bringing to the knowledge of the visitors the stakes, the difficulties and the methods envisaged. In return, visitors undertake to review their perception of the issues and put into perspective the potential strategies to be implemented, the tools developed or the innovative approaches to be deployed ...

Preparation: the welcoming territory presents itself (stakes, expectations, problems) + data from a portrait of the territory, for example, allowing to have points of comparison between territories.

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Methodology sharing

During the visits to the partner territories, during the construction of analysis grids, work sessions shared between actors: technicians, public actors and private actors on the themes of strategy, prospective, territorial social capital.

Objective: A learning approach for increasing the skills of the players in the host territory and visitors so that implementation is facilitated in each territory.

Expected results: mobilization of actors in the territorial dynamics of each territory

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Steering committee

As part of the project, it is planned to organize twice a year a steering committee with technicians from different structures and if possible 1 to 2 representatives of each territory + soil and civilization. The leader (GAL Causses Cévennes) will organize these meetings.

Objective: organize and monitor the progress of actions, see progress on capitalization, share certain elements of the methodology

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