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Rivière entourée d'arbres

The territory located in the Lot department has the center town of Figeac. Born from the merger of 3 communities of municipalities in 2013, the Community of Municipalities of Grand Figeac is made up of 79 municipalities, 5 of which are located in the department of Aveyron. This group includes 42,000 inhabitants. It is the largest community of municipalities in the Lot. The urban area of Figeac is one of the rare areas of the Lot where the population is increasing. This trend should not mask an aging of the territory's population with 33% of the population over 60 years old against 20.3% of the population under 30 years old.


The economy of the territory is essentially based on three sectors; industry, agriculture and agrifood and finally, services, particularly related to tourism. Industry accounts for 15% of establishments and 38% of salaried jobs in 2016. Agriculture and agri-food occupy an important place insofar as the department has 26 official signs of quality and origin and two out of three farms. are registered. Finally, in terms of tourism, the territory has many heritage assets that ensure its influence; City of art and history for Figeac with its remarkable historic center from the Middle Ages, the Célé valley, a tributary of the Lot in the heart of Ségala and the Causses du Quercy and Limargue. Tourism, which brings together trade, transport and catering, represented 30% of businesses in 2016.

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Purpose of the visit

The territory of Figeac is recognized for the strength of its dynamic of actors (elected officials, associations and companies). For many years, he has been committed to a territorial transition strategy in order to respond to environmental, social and development issues of economic and entrepreneurial activities. This strategy relies to a great extent on the skills of those working in the area. The visits were organized to better understand the dynamics of actors, governance and its strategies for anticipating territorial attractiveness.


More generally, at each learning visit, it is a question of understanding how each territory works by applying the same grid of strategic questions to it. This grid therefore deals with:

       The initial state of the territory, its socio-economic data

       Components of its attractiveness with regard to the actors questioned

       Mechanisms of anticipation

       The originality and efficiency of its governance

       Feedback from the guests and the views of the guests

Observed themes


The following subjects were observed more specifically:

  • Local resources (HRM, regional capital, companies)

  • Conditions of attractiveness (mobility, youth, accommodation, etc.)

  • Transition (energy, ecological)

  • And in a transversal way, the modes of governance implemented for the implementation of actions, and in particular public / private partnerships.

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PETR Figeac, presented by Vincent Labarthe, president and Marine Coteret, director

The PETR Figeac Quercy Vallée de la Dordogne (FQVD) brings together two Communities of Communes of approximately 45,000 inhabitants each. The average density is 35 inhab./km2.

The current structuring action of the PETR is the drafting of a territory project, through a collaborative work process. Thus, the main stages of this work are to:

  • Define a prospective vision of the territory

  • Identify role of the PETR

  • Switch to action mode

To do this, a joint commission was created, and a socio-economic analysis based on income flows in the territory was carried out "to determine the modes of development of the territory". The PETR team works according to a process logic, as a project team.


Several participatory sessions in small committees were carried out (work in progress) on:

  • Definition of the issues

  • Definition of courses of action

  • The definition of work sites around which to put ecosystems of expert actors

And this, in order to be able to deliver the territory project in a form to be defined.

Much broader "intercessions", where everyone makes a long-term commitment together, are also led by the PETR.

Mobilization of stakeholders

Question from the audience: "How do you get them to come?" "

The answer: "We are not going to look for them".

Indeed, the PETR works with a broad distribution base to inform about the date of the meetings and the content, but most of the time, the information is transmitted by word of mouth, and also thanks to business leaders who "Play the game".

The Erdre and Gesvres development council shares its mobilization strategy: they started by distributing flyers but this has barely borne fruit. Today, they identify local initiatives, people who “want to do something”, and thus seek to mobilize the networks of project leaders.

The PETR also had this strategy of reaching out to people who “wanted”. The team specifies that "it's the needs that get people out." For example, in Figeac, the unemployment rate is around 6%, a situation of full employment so everyone is looking to recruit. Work or workshops on this subject are mobilizing.


Examples of innovative initiatives on the attractiveness of assets

"As many employees are lacking, so much less added value for the territory"

There are other areas in Occitania where the unemployment rate is 36%. The actors of Figeac therefore sought to set up with Pôle Emploi an innovation to link territories with opposite unemployment rates, in partnership with Pôle emploi, the housing action, the Community of Communes and the department with its approach. attractiveness.

Dominique Olivier completes this aspect by mentioning an initiative of a similar nature: a collaboration with the territory of Forbach, by organizing meetings to promote family mobility. At each of the 2 meetings organized there were 120 participants. 16 families went to Figeac to explore the area, 14 left with promises of employment. The remaining challenges are:

  • Spouse's employment

  • Mobility

  • Child care, the presence of doctors ...

Representation of local employment

The territory thought of itself as agricultural territory, but the agricultural sector represents 9% of the workforce.

Then the territory said to be an industrial territory, this corresponds to 30% of the workforce. And so the question arose as to where were the other assets? It is this change of representation that led the territory to carry out work on income in order to better understand the economic situation.

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Figeacteurs, presented by Meryl Parisse, coordinator and Dominique Olivier, company manager behind the foresight

Why Figeacteurs?

Figeacteurs emerged from the awareness that “a region will only live by the added value it generates”. And this added value is linked to innovation, itself linked to skills.

Thus, the objective was to develop the attractiveness of skills. How to attract skills? and how to have skills in 2030? Who has the legitimacy to work on these questions?

“Legitimacy comes from doing 'together'”. A PTCE was created to conduct cross-cutting discussions and topics, in particular on food, mobility and well-being.


How do we highlight the commons?


It is necessary to finance the animation and the engineering at the start, knowing that the facilitation must be carried out by a person "trained in the methods of consultation, not of the territory, who comes, asks questions, is not in the game of actors and leaves. "

The Figeacteurs association

Figeacteurs now has 130 members, half of which are companies and the other half are individuals. Among its members are: the Figeac Farm Cooperative, Regain, API, business club manual, IUT Figeac, but also accountants, insurers, psychiatric hospital, ...

This diversity allows “interesting visions and frictions”.

Even if stemming from the ESS, the idea is to bring together a maximum of actors around the passion for the territory in an employment area where people know each other.

The association created in 2015 now has 3.5 FTEs. Some employees are pooled with members.

The association's budget is around 300,000 euros, the funds coming from memberships, services (project set-up for several structures / massive CGET funds) - 70% subsidy, 30% private.

The actions carried out are mainly regular animations on subjects detected as and when, the setting up of working groups to set up entrepreneurial projects if possible with financial package.

Areas of work of the association

The first axis is that of the attractiveness of the territory:

The question that was asked was what new services could be created for working people, which could attract them or retain them.

  • The nursery was the first need. It was financed by businesses in the area.

  • The company concierge was then set up to facilitate the daily life of workers and businesses (parcels, technical control, shoe repair); created in 2018, 5 companies are clients for their employees. Each company pays 100 to 1000 euros per month depending on the budget it wishes to allocate.

  • New: welcoming spouses of newcomers. Working group of around 20 structures - companies, housing players, etc. creation of a test customer service. Compass. Experimentation phase. ADEFPAT: development training method, used systematically

  • Facilitation of meeting time, sponsorship of Toulouse students and executives.


The second axis worked on is that of social innovation and sustainable development , which are also levers for development. Indeed, from an agricultural initiative (photovoltaic park), "how to deploy it in the territory". This is how the Figeac ENR initiative was born.


The third axis is that of mobility , the target being home-to-work trips. This work was carried out with support from ADEFPAT and resulted in the Mobility Lab.

The awareness for companies could be brought by the following indicator: "each company goes around the earth so many times (in the year) to go to work".

Also, the budget allocated to home-work travel is easily calculated: “20 km round trip x 5 days = 1/3 of the minimum wage. Some take RTTs on the last days of the month because they cannot travel. "

Carpool lines with electric cars have thus been set up.

A fourth axis is that of food with the aim of being able to create loops of solidarity from producer to consumer. Figeacteurs has thus supported the emergence of collective projects on food chains. (Example: Aid to the PEAI vegetable shop)

In each component, the team seeks to mobilize citizens: Mobility Lab, Figeactable (from Figeac land, gourmet melee).

A regional start-up evening

The idea emanates from start-ups weekends, the idea is to offer around 20 challenges "360 ° on the territory". The event must bring together 300 people, with an upstream registration. Various workshops are offered, either by a project leader who wishes to be helped, or another who has a recurring problem, or according to an idea proposed by the facilitators. Below are some examples of the topics that will be offered:

  • "How to stop the breakdown of shops? "

  • "How to relaunch drink orders"

  • "Zero unfilled job offers"

Collective intelligence methods will be used for the animation, and the evening will be followed by the setting up of a “battery of support tools”.

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Figeac's prospective, presented by Dominique Olivier in the presence of certain members of the prospective group

An anticipatory approach to attract skills to a territorial development project

The actors sought to understand the different representations of the territory. Agree on 90% of the items, attention was drawn to the other 10%, which was subject to disagreement.

They also sought to identify the main forces for change that were “moving” “the whole system”. These drivers of change have been analyzed in order to understand how they work and their effects.

From around 50 factors of change, more important have been identified and studied. Contrasting evolution hypotheses have been drafted to build credible scenarios.

The great surprise of local actors was to realize that the economic model was not one of these drivers of change, but that it was training and governance that would make it possible to respond to the problem of attractiveness and skills.

The three scenarios of figeacois

Foresight made it possible to construct the following three scenarios:

Scenario 1: The Figeacois “on the quayside of globalization”, a territory similar to Detroit, an American industrial city with the collapse of the automobile. It was a picture to find out what the actors did not want.

Scenario 2: “We are reinventing our own strengths. We have resources, we try to stem the problems of agriculture, to reinvent our relations without necessarily changing things in depth. "

Scenario 3: “Territorial change of course” or “what are we reinventing together? ". The question involves both looking at what “together” means and what we actually do. In this scenario, SSE is brought back to the center, along with values, relationships, and governance. Governance being, as Dominique Olivier points out, decision-making systems, but also the exchange of information and skills.

Thus, and by choosing scenario 3, what was initially a project around skills has become a territorial development project.

Following the foresight, what do we do?

The first step following the construction of the scenarios was to check whether they were solid beyond the prospective group which included around thirty people, if they "resisted the shock, the vision of farmers, traders, manufacturers, etc." . If so, what did they want to do? What would they do to contribute or not to this scenario? What were we going to do together?

It is on the basis of these questions that the strategy for implementing foresight is built. Three families of actors were met: agriculture, industry and services. For industry players, we were already in scenario 3. For agriculture, we were in scenario 1.

Some feedback

The method

"Methodology is important to avoid going in circles." The retrospective is an essential process to establish the trend scenario.


The result ?

“A territory where things are happening that are not happening elsewhere. "


The effects

Foresight made it possible to decompartmentalize. “We always work together. We became aware of the problems of the territory together. "

Working over time allows relationships and thinking to evolve.

The answer to the initial question on skills is that it is a question of training and governance. “The actors want to be co-decision makers. "

A way of thinking and working that has lasted and is still emerging today has emerged from foresight. "Foresight will have been the founding element".

“What was extraordinary: a rule from the workshops that I kept: take off your cap. An impact that we did not necessarily measure at this time. The people have shown their love for the land by respecting this rule. Seeds sown, I am absolutely certain. "

Representative of the Figeac traders association

“An interactive, pro-active approach, giving people a voice, without having planned in advance what was going to be decided. We built, co-built, we didn't always agree at the start. We have changed our perceptions, our ways of understanding. We clearly came out transformed. »Hervé Danton, delegate of Mechanics Valley

“We have acquired good habits, such as the habit of communicating positively in our territory. And we know where we're going. All. »Member of the prospective group

“For me it was a real ordeal, each meeting a stage of the Stations of the Cross. We are used to moving our head forward in the handlebars. There it was necessary to martyr the mind, because we were not on forecasts. It was therefore particularly hard but interesting, this joint work in a friendly spirit. We managed to see clearly without being experts. Often the experts are wrong, we weren't wrong. »Mr. Fausto, mayor

“The feeling that we have put the territory in motion. Whether the turn is to the left or to the right, if the territory is in motion, the territory will be more able to take the turns, whether they are to the left or to the right. "

Foresight is a process that continues, in particular with the identification today of things that had not been seen. For example the fact that ecology will reduce the use of airplanes. “It is so important to stay awake. And to be able to reintegrate new information as and when. "

Some returns from the territory of Erdre and Gesvres

  "How good it was to take off his cap." We have proven that we are able to sit around the table with such different people. You have to take the turn with the right velocity at the right time; We hold a treasure and we must not stop it. »Elected Erdre et Gesvres

“A tremendous experience as a development council to be able to share with elected officials in all frankness and simplicity. One regret: not having been able to involve other members of the development board. »Erdre et Gesvres Development Council

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Territory-based thesis work, presented by Truong-Giang Pham

In this part, M. Pham presents his doctoral thesis work, the main field of work of which was that of Figeac.

We are witnessing a profound change in the territories of the perception of what a territory can be and its challenges. The questions Mr. Pham asked himself in his thesis were: Is there indeed a change in perception? What are the paradigms of change? An important aspect are employment and skills. How has this made it possible to change the outlook on territorial development?

The main philosophy in terms of employment is that of job mobility. “You have to be mobile. If you are not mobile, it is not viable ”. Do those who stay behind constitute economic and social nonsense?

In regional economy, two opposing forces are identified:

  • The force of agglomeration and attraction

  • The force of dispersion

These two forces explain the logics of installation and skills.

3 theoretical corpuses mobilized

Local market

The essence of our public institutions are based on the idea that the fact that the market is global.

The thesis is based on a trend started in 1973 by Baker and more recently by… suggesting that the job market is a local market.

The territory

“What is the territory? For most economists, territory is space, a distance between a point of production and consumption.

Here again, the thesis is part of a different current saying that the territory is not only space but that it is an appropriate space which must present three things to make a territory:

  • Resource

  • Geographical proximity

  • A clean organization

Specific skills

“Here again, we say that the skills are global. I say no, that they are also idiosyncratic. "


Thus, the thesis sought to identify skills that could not be exported.

Indeed, it is through skills that some companies are linked to the territory. Companies create the necessary training, create informal spaces, and this allows the emergence of skills that are anchored in the territory.

Three individual skills:

  • Competence in anticipating the local market: there are people within the territory capable of anticipating. It is a combination of knowledge of the territory, of the network,… this is what makes their presence in companies particularly strategic.

  • Relational competence specific to the territory: "you take this person from here, you put him in Erdre and Gesvres, he is inoperative". It is the ability to rearrange a thought on a topic and engage people. “If this person leaves, you lose a large part of the essence of a territory's capacity to organize a project. "

  • Local skill use detection skill. A person who realizes the skills relationships.

A collective competence

  • Collective competence of territorial development: how from different people we set up a common language, common action frames of reference and the commitment of the constituent parts for the management of territorial competences.


The thesis makes it possible to rethink public mobility policies by affirming that there is also the anchoring strategy. Mobility and anchoring are two logics that both exist. The thesis brings the anchoring "up to date".

Building a policy of territorial development through skills can allow men and women to stay in a territory. It is much easier to change jobs regularly and evolve in a city.

Foresight has made it easier for people to become actors and change jobs.

“When you're an actor, you attract because you want a different image”.

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The Mechanical Valley cluster, presented by Hervé Danton, cluster delegate

The cluster is a grouping of companies and training partners, which in a defined area (see map) benefit and help develop industry in a mainly rural area, devoid of large cities and universities.

It has 200 members, including 160 companies, which corresponds to approximately 13,000 jobs. 80% of companies with more than 10 people in the area concerned are members.

Originally created to compensate for the shortcomings (in particular of the motorway) linked to the rural situation which threatened to reduce the competitiveness of local businesses, the Mécanique Vallée was first used as a meeting space "corporate club style" and then engages in a dynamic of more pronounced economic development.

This translates into strong support for business creation, with some business leaders accepting that their employees leave the business for one or two years to start their business, while providing them with work. In the event that the operation does not work, the initial company would take them over.


This also translates into cooperation on HR issues. In fact, the companies in the Mécanique Vallée look for around 500 people every year. A framework of the valley mechanics is dedicated specifically to HR issues, or “Human Wealth” in the words of Mr. Danton

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Collective work session

How did the partners of the cooperation program view the attractiveness, anticipation, local identity and originality of governance? The comments below are taken from the round tables made at the end of the trip.


  • "They have the energy to organize themselves"

  • “People work together without someone imposing their vision; Benevolent towards others, the spirit of "not someone who thinks himself better than others". "

  • "A common culture of working together for and through the territory"

  • "A kind of common good in all actions / projects"

  • "The plurality of actions, we are not in the single activity, but in the concomitance"

  • “The pooling of all know-how. "

  • “The lot, a showcase with regard to pooling, a beautiful rurality. "

  • “Are there people who are disappointed, frustrated with their experience in Figeac? », In fact, we feel a strong interest in the needs of large companies, a strong desire to attract and integrate, but what actions for the population in place, aging well? Small traders? Concern over expropriations to allow businesses to grow.



  • “We feel that behind the actions, there is a strategy, and behind the strategy there is a vision”.

  • "The different actions in motion as if they were synchronized"

  • Feeling of the participants of the cooperative program, that the territory is thought of in the present, in the past, but not in the future.

Local culture and territorial identity

  • "Doing it together comes from our territorial identity"

  • Question from Erdre and Gesvres: “in our region, administrative territory regrouping pieces of three areas of life with people working outside the territory. Lack of history. Research to tell the story of the territory. Find a way to have a common history. "

  • André Baret: “their identity here is not so clear. With us, Cevennes / causses / valleys. "

Originality and effectiveness of governance

  • "Surprised by the involvement of all the non-institutional milieu"

  • "There is no leader, there are partners"

  • Fear of collapsing mono-systems? What if Figeacteurs disappears? If the animators disappear, how does Figeacteurs continue in this logic?

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Présentation de l'association Figeaccueil

L’Association Figeaccueil fondée en 2012 par douze personnes d’horizons divers, propose un accueil aux nouveaux venus dans le  Figeacois. C’est l’occasion pour eux de lier connaissance avec d'autres nouveaux et avec des plus anciens : Figeaccueil se met à leur disposition pour les aider à découvrir leur nouveau cadre de vie, pour partager avec eux connaissances ou toutes informations utiles ….

Porteur de projet

Aider les porteurs de projets locaux car ils créent + d’emplois que la délocalisation d’entreprise.

Figeac, tradition d’accueil

Figeac = 500/600 mouvements migratoires /an

La municipalité et le mouvement associatif de Figeac conduisent un travail en matière d’accueil des migrants. Début septembre 2015, la Ville de Figeac accrochait à la façade de sa mairie la banderole portant mention : « Figeac Ville solidaire –

Cette tradition se perpétue d’autant plus que d’anciens migrants s’impliquent, une fois implanté sur le territoire, au sein du conseil municipal. Ce brassage est une source de tolérance et renforce cette tradition d’accueil.

Dispositif Terre d’accueil

Le bassin de vie du Grand Figeac a accueilli seize personnes venues de la région Grand Est (sur 120 candidatures), premiers bénéficiaires d’un dispositif inédit au plan national, porté par le Grand Figeac, Pôle Emploi, le Conseil Départemental du Lot, et Action Logement.

Le but pour le Grand Figeac avec le dispositif « Terre d’accueil » est de répondre aux attentes des entreprises et de les aider dans leur recrutement.

L’emploi du conjoint

Depuis 2017, le collectif Figeacteurs aborde la question de l’accueil des nouveaux arrivants et de leurs conjoints. Partant du constat que le territoire manque de compétences et que, pour les attirer, les entreprises locales ont les moyens d’agir en réseau.

Formation d’un premier groupe d’action constitué d’entreprises concernées par ces problématiques communes : Ratier Figeac, Lomaco, agences d’intérim mais aussi les organismes consulaires et les collectivités afin d’envisager ensemble des solutions à l’accueil des conjoints de nouveaux salariés.

Figeac oriente beaucoup de ses actions sur l’accueil, notamment de nouveaux arrivants

« En chaque touriste, il y a un habitant potentiel »

Freins : offres locatives pour les familles faibles et en dehors du centre bourg


« On fait de la résistance sur la voiture individuelle » via les actions suivantes :

  • Transport urbain Gratuit

  • Plateforme de covoiturage départemental (fonctionne entre collègue mais la dépose d’un enfant sur le trajet est problématique)

  • Solution de transport à la demande


Ouverture sur les autres qui permet de fonder une culture du faire ensemble.

Une politique orientée vers l’accueil des nouveaux arrivants, mais pas de problématique soulevée sur le bien vivre des habitants. Pas de problématiques évoquées par exemple sur les séniors et le maintien à domicile.

La question de la gouvernance n’a pas été suffisamment explorée, les acteurs économiques via Figeacteurs mènent des actions sans à priori la participation de la collectivité. En dehors, bien sûr, du soutien à l’association Figaccueil et la mise à disposition de la zone artisanale pour l’extension de Figeac Aero.

Au niveau de la communauté de commune, il existe une difficulté sur le partage de compétence.

Faible représentativité de la société civile dans les projets présentés, conseil de développement abs ?


Sur la mise en œuvre, notamment sur le rôle de chacun des acteurs en perspective avec notre travail collaboratif menés lors de la phase prospective de la GTPEC et de notre ambition vis-à-vis du plan d’action d’une coopération entre les différents acteurs du territoire.

La mise en œuvre d’un lien fort avec les forces vives économiques est-elle un levier en termes d’attractivité sur notre territoire comme cela est le cas pour le Grand Figeac ?

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Visite du vignoble "La Vinadie"

Le groupe "agriculture- alimentation" a pu visiter le vignoble "La Vinadie" à proximité du Lycée agricole. 


Les constats :

  • Pas de produit local identifié comme un marqueur du territoire

  • Un territoire à la ‘’frontière de’’

  • Les gens d’ici ne consomment pas les produits d’ici, à Figeac on mange bien mais on n’a pas de produit emblématique.

  • Un travail a été conduit autour d’une charte paysagère

  • Figeac est une terre d’accueil, le territoire manque de main d’œuvre et sur le plan agricole, beaucoup d’exploitations n’ont pas de repreneurs.

La préfiguration :

  • Des agriculteurs et des familles qui s’engagent dans le même sens. Les agriculteurs ouvrent les portes de leurs exploitations, ont fait un travail sur les intrants montrant ainsi une écoute des envies des consommateurs.

  • Une communication réfléchie est au cœur des échanges afin d’avoir le même langage et faire en sorte que chacun soit un ambassadeur du territoire pour connaitre et faire connaitre.

  • Des structures en place qui ont facilité le projet exemple ‘’Terre de Figeac mais gourmande’’

  • Se rendre compte que sur le sujet de l’alimentation, que chacun est légitime

  • Mobiliser les têtes de réseaux

La SCIC La Vinadie :

  • Objet :

    • Relancer des productions locales en commençant par un projet viticole pour construire une identité au territoire en embarquant élus, acteurs et bénévoles.

    • Reconquérir le vignoble Figeacois disparu à la fin du 19e siècle

    • Proposer un produit de qualité issu du territoire qui respectera des pratiques culturales respectueuses des hommes et de l’environnement

    • Un objectif de 20 000 à 35 000 bouteilles sous appellation IGP côtes du lot

    • 4 ha implantés avec l’objectif de passer à 10 ha

    • Le moteur de l’opération a été l’économie et notamment l’économie agricole d’où l’idée de relancer afin de montrer qu’en alliant les forces il est possible d’agir sur l’économie locale.​

  • La SCIC aujourd’hui

    • 330 adhérents souscripteurs associant des agriculteurs, des entreprises, des citoyens et des collectivités, unis dans un projet d’utilité économique et sociale

    • Prix des souscriptions 20€ la part sociale

    • Des adhésions de personnes du territoire et de toute la France

    • Les membres participent aux étapes de culture et production

    • Directoire composé du président, d’un responsable finances, d’un responsable de la commercialisation, d’un juriste, d’un agriculteur représentant la profession

    • Collèges des salariés, collège des collectivités, collège des bénéficiaires et collèges des intermédiaires


  • Les ressources mobilisées :

    • Le PLUI

    • Communauté de communes porteur du projet

    • Un leader qui doit être entouré des compétences locales (toutes personnes susceptibles de s’investir et d’apporter une plus-value)

    • Participation des citoyens au modèle économique en l’occurrence la SCIC, modèle de financement

    • Une gouvernance qui favorise la collaboration et pas uniquement d’élus et d’institutions

La gouvernance, le pourquoi et le comment

  • Faire ensemble avec les personnes et leurs réseaux, jouer sur les complémentarités, mettre autour de la table l’ensemble des parties prenantes, apprendre à dialoguer et à écouter chacun des avis et apprendre à gérer les sujets en fonction des points de vue.

  • Importance dans le choix du type de structure juridique (SCIC, SCOOP…)

  • Un leader doit être accompagné, soutenu et son départ doit être anticipé et préparé

  • Mobilisation des personnes : communication sur le projet qui va toucher les gens d’ici, avoir le sujet qui intéresse, inviter à participer et à être acteur, à venir travailler, à venir aux réunions, se mettre d’accord, multiplier les moments de rencontre et ne pas générer uniquement des rencontres obligatoires (CA et AG) mais valoriser la convivialité, savoir comment on va faire vivre le projet… donner envie


Autres éléments :

  • Identifier les difficultés, en l’occurrence il n’y a pas de réparateur du matériel localement

  • Mettre en place des formations pour répondre aux besoins (exemple la vigne sous couvert végétal…)

  • Savoir repérer les intérêts que peuvent avoir les habitants et les acteurs du territoire

  • Placer l’action dans un contexte plus large en l’occurrence : voir la suite par exemple autour du tourisme œnologue, élaborer d’une politique agricole au sein de la Communauté de communes qui s’appuiera sur le PAT et les filières courtes

  • Pour les Maires, savoir mettre en commun les questions, les diagnostics



  • Une préoccupation partagée sur l’image territoriale et une volonté de se démarquer des territoires voisins

  • Un diagnostic territorial partagé, base des réflexions

  • Un contexte local favorable au développement collaboratif et qui lie les parties prenantes de façon ‘’naturelle’’

  • Une connaissance et un usage des formes juridiques qui permettent une gestion collaborative

Questionnements et perspectives

Une configuration locale particulière parait être à la base de la mobilisation des acteurs. Le porteur de projet et en l’occurrence la Communauté de communes se situe plutôt dans un rôle d’animateur de son territoire. Mobiliser à ce jour 330 adhérents sur un projet dénote une forte capacité à fédérer qui semble aller au-delà du rôle d’un seul acteur.

Ce projet répond à plusieurs attentes du territoire et des citoyens engagés : Identité et fierté du territoire à recréer, convivialité autour du vin, engagement dans le projet facilité par les structures de gestion, une gouvernance ouverte, des perceptives sur d’autres projets identiques.

Comment, dans nos territoires, est-il possible d’arriver à une telle prédisposition ?

Selon les projets, la structure juridique revêt une importance au regard de la gouvernance. Il y a donc nécessité à connaitre les solutions et à savoir les mobiliser.

Les diagnostics, les prospectives sont une base pour se mettre d’accord. Ces travaux ont d’autant plus de poids lorsqu’ils ont été réalisés et interprétés collectivement. Ils pourront être les prémices à la collaboration sur les plans d’action. Se pose toutefois la question du leader et de la définition de son rôle au regard de ces formes collaboratives, vers lesquelles l’histoire semble nous conduire.

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Fermes de Figeac - Filière Energies Renouvelables


Reprise historique de la filière des énergies renouvelables

Origine : Production solaire photovoltaïque sur les exploitations agricoles

  • Base  = agriculteurs membres de la COOP Fermes de Figeac

  • Année : 2008

  • Objectif : produire de l’énergie solaire photovoltaïque sur les exploitations agricoles

  • Problème rencontrée : Financement lourd pour les exploitations

  • Solution collective apportée : Montage juridique d’une SAS (Société à Action Simplifiée) du nom de SAES (Ségala  Agriculture et Energie Solaire) pour trouver des financements bancaires 

  • Résultats : 200 bâtiments équipés dans le secteur entre 2009 et 2010 (6900kWc installé) pour un budget global de 34 millions d’euros (6 hectares de toiture agricoles sur 120 exploitations).

  • Ralentissement depuis 2010 du fait des contraintes sur la filière solaire Française

  • Reprise de la thématique solaire PV il y a 2 ans en ajoutant aux agriculteurs la cible des familles et des entreprises du territoire

Création de la SAS FIGEAC ENR

  • Création SAS Figeac ENR le 9 Mars 2018 – Société territoriale d’Energie

  • SAS = regroupement de FIGEACTEURS, La Coopérative Fermes de Figeac, La Communauté de Communes du grand Figeac, La Fédération Départementale d’Energies du Lot et le PNR des Causses du Quercy

  • Objectif : développer les ENR sur le territoire en gardant une maitrise locale pour un développement local

  • Résultats : Démarrage mais cela semble plus compliqué car divers acteurs

  • Organisation en collèges :

    • Membres fondateurs

    • Membres partenaires

    • Bénéficiaires et Citoyens

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Parc éolien sur le territoire (parc de la Luzette – Commune de Saint SAURY Cantal)

  • Rapprochement avec le développeur de parc éolien VALOREM sur un projet sur le site de LUZETTE

  • Objectif : Accompagner la mise en place du parc mais garder la richesse produite sur le territoire en gardant une partie des plus-values sur le secteur. Les citoyens peuvent devenir actionnaires du projet.

  • Validation du programme en 2014 – Mise en place d’une épargne participative pour les habitants.

  • Retrait des collectivités locales car la participation financière des citoyens a été trop forte !

  • Installation de 7 éoliennes sur le site de la LUZETTE – Puissance 14MW

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